Monday, March 2, 2009


We did not have a good day today :/

I had the bright idea to call the snow line (at work we get a delayed opeing like once every 5 yrs or so). We opened at 9! Great right?? Not really, the Hartford office around the corner from my house had an extra hour delay WTF!!!!

The drive in wasn't bad, that is until I got off the highway. The state re-designed the exit ramp last year, but unfortunatley did not take care of the steep angle if you are taking a right. In snow, no matter what kind of car you have, you can loose any traction you thought you had. I think I spun my tires in 1st from the exit ram until I turned onto the road for work... it really wasn't too bad- earlier this yr was worse.

Now on Mondays in my department we have to provide phone support to our call center for 4 hrs.. Well because so many people passed on coming to work today, we were stuck on the phones for 7 hrs! ( insert shudder here)

I have not been on the phone all day in about a yr. I came to the realization, that if I had to do this again I may do someone bodily harm. I could not believe the number of people calling on the minute increase to their policies (come on people $35 does not make that much difference!) or to cancel. Se la vie, but I realized as the pounding settled above my eyes that I can't do that work anymore, I had to bite back one to many sarcastic comments today. Thank god my cubemate Mike was in full agreement! We used to be in the same unit and dealt with these calls 7.5 hrs a day/5 days week.

There. Got it off my chest and now I feel a bit better!

On an unrelated note, my niece is sleeping over tonight, and I thought it may be a good time to show her her new big girl bed for auntie & meme's. Its an inflatable toddler bed that has raised sides so they don't roll off when sleeping. While Maddy had great fun sliding and jumping up and down on it, I don't think she is quite ready to get rid of the pack & play just yet. Maybe a few more months :)

1 comment:

Chele76 said...

sorry to hear that you had a crappy day. Hopefully it will be a while before you have another full-day phone day.

I had NO idea that the offices had a delayed opening! lol I just logged on like normal and didn't even think to check the snow phone. I just worked under the assumption that if there were major school closings and it looked like there was more then a couple inches, I was going to work from home.